Es hora de permitir que se activen todos nuestros potenciales y capacidades como Seres Humanos.
Es hora de evolucionar hacia una percepción más amplia de ti mismo y del Universo.
Es hora de Re‐conectarte con tu Ser interno y multidimensional.
¿Es hora para ti?

Contactame !!!


jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Nov 23 - Are you near London? Join us for an exclusive evening with Eric Pearl and Lynne McTaggart as they share with you their immense knowledge of the Zero Point Field and how you can more consciously utilize it in your life. Lynne, author of The Field, and more recently, The Bond, will help you easily understand how everything is connected by the Field, a sea of energy that reconciles mind with matter, classic science with quantum physics, and science with religion/spirituality.
Click below for details:

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