Es hora de permitir que se activen todos nuestros potenciales y capacidades como Seres Humanos.
Es hora de evolucionar hacia una percepción más amplia de ti mismo y del Universo.
Es hora de Re‐conectarte con tu Ser interno y multidimensional.
¿Es hora para ti?

Contactame !!!


jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Dr. Eric Pearl - The Reconnection

Feb 21-23: Are you near Paris? Join Eric Pearl and the Reconnection Teaching Team in discovering the Power and Scope of Reconnective Healing.

The Reconnective Healing seminars are about creating atmospheres of interactive participation that promote exploration and learning. They are about sharing the group experience. What happens when a group works together with these energies is that everyone’s level rises at an amazing speed. It’s as if there’s some kind of field that connects everyone more intensely in a group setting, expediting our new evolution exponentially. We’re all changing in every second, and there’s a lot to be said for spending a weekend immersed in the energies… together.

Click below for more details:


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